Issue - decisions

Supporting the Visitor Economy

28/09/2018 - Supporting the Visitor Economy

The following was approved:


Unanimous decision of Constituent Authorities Excluding Mayor


1. To allocate a total of up to £80K from the WECA investment fund to support the regional tourism promotional exercise identified in paragraph 2.8 of this report.


2. To allocate a total of up to £20K from the WECA investment fund to support the regional visitor economy study identified in paragraph 2.9.1 of this report.


Majority decision of Constituent authorities and the Combined Authority Mayor:


3. To delegate to the West of England Combined Authority Chief Executive, in consultation with the West of England Chief Executives, authority to make all necessary arrangements for the allocation and application of this funding in accordance with the objectives set out in this report.


4. To request the WECA Chief Executive bring a report back to WECA upon completion of the projects setting out the outcomes and options available as appropriate.


5. To delegate to the Section 151 Officer to make all necessary amendments to the WECA and Mayoral Budgets as appropriate to reflect the approved allocation of investment funding.