Agenda item

Transformation Programme & Regional Strategy

This report sets out progress and next steps on the West of England Combined Authority’s route to improvement. The report provides Committee with an update on the West of England Combined Authority transformation programme that is underway to respond to and take forward recommendations from the recent Grant Thornton external audit report, the West of England Combined Authority commissioned an Independent Peer Review and the West of England Combined Authority Committee approved the action plan.This report provides a more detailed update on the progress to deliver a revised regional strategy as part of the transformation programme.



1.    That the structure and actions of the West of England Combined Authority transformation programme be noted;

2.    That the progress towards the revised regional strategy, and any steers on issues that the Committee would like to be factored in as the work progresses, be taken into account;

3.    That it be noted that a further update on the transformation programme will be provided to the October Committee meeting.


The Metro Mayor introduced a paper on the Transformation Programme and Regional Strategy.


The Metro Mayor stated that when the Committee had last met in March 2023 Jim Taylor, an independent peer reviewer from the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE) had addressed the meeting. He had been asked to come in and consider how the Authority strengthened its partnerships to ensure the Combined Authority could deliver for our residents.


The Committee had unanimously agreed to build on his recommendations, and those of the earlier Grant Thornton audit report into a transformation plan.


This report would take that work forward. The Metro Mayor stated that he welcomed the swift progress that had been made since March 2023, as recognised by the comments from the Overview and Scrutiny committee. He was also pleased to see the progress reported in the paper towards a refreshed regional strategy that our organisations were collaborating on.


The paper highlighted the steps that need to be taken to strengthen these partnership further, helping the Authority place even greater focus on delivery.

The paper asked the committee to consider and note progress and next steps. There was no vote required on this paper.


Cllr Warren stated that this was an opportunity to reset relationships with a newly collaborative approach around decision-making, especially in regards to bus services.  She looked forward to working with the Metro Mayor to solve the problems faced by the region together.

Cllr Dudd welcomed the progress being made in respect to the statutory recommendations but asked that no complacency crept in as there was still progress to be made.  Discussions needed to continue on the region’s priorities and continued dialogue would assist this process.

Cllr Young stated that she wished to be actively involved in decision-making for the benefit of residents, providing value for money and protecting vital services.  With BSIP funding changing it was vital all leaders worked to together to deliver maximum outcome.  She asked about the delegation to officers regarding the BSIP funding which allowed the announcement of the ‘birthday bus’ scheme without consultation of the partner authorities and stated that she would want better oversight going forward.  She asked how this funding had been employed against the BSIP objective.  She asked that future fares packages focussed on those most disadvantaged. She asked for a clear commitment on collective decision-making on BSIP funding to ensure that monies were allocated in the right way.

The Metro Mayor stated that he agreed that there needed to be a reset and welcomed the new spirit in the room.  He stated that the Birthday Bus scheme initiative had been worked on a very long time and was surprised that it had not been widely known.  He stated that bus companies had been working on this for more than a year.  Cllr Warren queried why it had not been previously discussed at the Authority’s Transport Board.  The Metro Mayor reiterated that officers needed to brief members on these initiatives.

The Metro Mayor called Cllr Mark Canniford (who was deputising for the Leader of North Somerset Council Cllr Mike Bell) to address the Committee on this issue.

Cllr Canniford stated that North Somerset Council had been aware of the scheme and was keen to support it.  He stated that there needed to be a focus to encourage people to return to using buses as the passenger numbers were still below pre-pandemic levels.  He stated it was the aim that buses were faster, greener coordinated and more convenient than cars.  He expected that this would encourage more bus use which would help reduce the number of cars on the road.

 The Metro Mayor reiterated that this was just one of a set of initiatives and agreed that with the cost of living crisis lower cost public transport was essential as well as helping to meet the ambitious net zero targets by 2030 and needed initiatives that would help meet these aims and create bus usage and reduce car journeys.

The Interim Acting Chief Executive stated that the Authority had received £515k additional DfT to use towards supported services.  BSIP funding was 14 months in out of 36 months so the Authority wanted to make sure it was used and used well and so the Authority was trying innovative things.  The Authority was trying to secure more flexibility in the way the funding could be used.  The Metro Mayor had also asked for some potential efficiency savings that could be used elsewhere in addition to the £515k.  He reiterated that some funding streams were short term which needed to be balanced against long term goals such as the net zero targets. Nothing of concern had been flagged by the DfT.  The Authority would continue to work closely with the other authorities on these initiatives.

Cllr Young stated that she was supportive of fares initiatives but asked that they were part of the discussions.  There were many other services that could also be supported.

Cllr Warren was keen to increase the level of collaboration but asked whether the delegation was hindering discussions.  She asked what the mechanism would be for reversing this delegation.  The Monitoring Officer in response stated that this particular delegation had yet to be exercised and would require the agreement of the Director of Infrastructure at the Authority, the Director of Infrastructure at North Somerset Council and the Section 73 Officer at the Authority  who would make sure the discussions from this meeting would be factored in.


The Committee noted the following:

1.    That the structure and actions of the West of England Combined Authority transformation programme be noted;

2.    That the progress towards the revised regional strategy, and any steers on issues that the Committee would like to be factored in as the work progresses, be taken into account;

3.    That it be noted that a further update on the transformation programme will be provided to the October Committee meeting.

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