Agenda item

Investment Fund Programme

To consider an update on the overall programme and headroom.


The West of England Combined Authority Committee RESOLVED to:


1.             Approve the Strategic Outline Case for Bath Central Riverside and the award of £548k to develop the masterplan by March 2025, as set out in paragraph 2.6.


2.             Approve the funding application for Walking and Cycling Scheme Development for completion by March 2025 and the award of £200k as set out in paragraph 2.6.


3.             Approve the Feasibility and Development Funding application for CRSTS South Gloucestershire Council Specialist Support and the award of £670k as set out in paragraph 2.6.


4.             Approve the allocation of up to £670k for CRSTS resourcing in Bath and North East Somerset Council and delegate the approval of the detail through a Feasibility and Development Funding application to the Combined Authority Director of Infrastructure in consultation with the Directors of Infrastructure of the constituent Councils, as set out in paragraph 2.6.


5.             Amend the approved capital programme for individual project approvals agreed at the January Committee and within this report, as set out in appendix 2.


6.             To note that a provision of £4m has been set aside to manage programme risks as set out in paragraph 2.8.


7.             The Committee endorses and approves the approach for the £18.75m DLUHC in-year capital funding as set out in the supplementary report;


8.             That the additional DfT Pothole Funding for 2023/24 be passported to the relevant West of England Unitary Authorities in line with proportions agreed for the Highways Maintenance Capital Grant as set out in the supplementary report.


Metro Mayor Dan Norris introduced a report which proposed a number of new awards through the Investment Fund which included funding to develop proposals for employment, housing and cultural regeneration in the Central Riverside area with Bath’s Enterprise Zone and funding to continue to develop a pipeline of walking and cycling schemes aligned to the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.


There was also an addendum to this report which included additional recommendations as a result of securing additional capital spending announced in the budget earlier in the week.  This addendum had been published on the Authority’s website.  This was being dealt with as a matter of urgency as agreed with the chair of the Authority’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee. It would allow the Authority to move forward to the delivery phase of the £18m in the current financial year including funding for the Bath Quays development, the South Bristol Light Industrial Workspace in Hartcliffe, supporting innovation at two of the region’s universities and improving premises and providing new equipment across the region’s colleges. The Interim Acting Chief Executive explained that this arose from an underspend in the government department and news had been embargoed until the government’s budget day a couple of days before this meeting.


In addition the Department for Transport had announced additional funding for maintaining and improving the highway network totalling £2,828,400 to the Combined Authority. This was proposed to be passported to the relevant West of England UAs in line with proportions agreed for the Highways Maintenance Capital Grant.


The recommendations were moved by Metro Mayor Dan Norris and seconded by Councillor Toby Savage.


The following comments were raised:


·       Mayor Marvin Rees commented that the CRSTS had financial support to South Gloucestershire and Bath & North East Somerset but because of the discussions on BCC’s transport team incorporation into the Combined Authority Bristol would not get access to these funds.  He asked that before this is finalised this be looked at.  In addition he stated that this was an exciting time for the region as politician’s were all lined up to deliver a solution of the climate crises with an opportunity to plan for the long term, including transport solutions and to explore future options such as Trams.  He reminded the meeting that the night time economy included shift workers trying to travel home with collectively asking for government money to tackle local transport solutions;

·       Councillor Richard Samuel stated that this represented good intent. He elaborated on the Bath Quays development and welcomed the proposals. He stated that works in the urban centre of Bath were notoriously difficult and the proposals would make a positive difference;

·       Councillor Savage welcomed the Feasibility and Development Funding application for CRSTS South Gloucestershire Council Specialist Support as set out in paragraph 2.6.  He also welcomed the opportunity for a long term strategic review of transport solutions as a high quality public transport network for vital for the region.

[Voting Arrangements: Decision required majority agreement of Committee Members in attendance, or their substitutes (one vote representing each Authority) and including the West of England Combined Authority Mayor.


The West of England Combined Authority Committee unanimously RESOLVED to:


1.             Approve the Strategic Outline Case for Bath Central Riverside and the award of £548k to develop the masterplan by March 2025, as set out in paragraph 2.6.


2.             Approve the funding application for Walking and Cycling Scheme Development for completion by March 2025 and the award of £200k as set out in paragraph 2.6.


3.             Approve the Feasibility and Development Funding application for CRSTS South Gloucestershire Council Specialist Support and the award of £670k as set out in paragraph 2.6.


4.             Approve the allocation of up to £670k for CRSTS resourcing in Bath and North East Somerset Council and delegate the approval of the detail through a Feasibility and Development Funding application to the Combined Authority Director of Infrastructure in consultation with the Directors of Infrastructure of the constituent Councils, as set out in paragraph 2.6.


5.             Amend the approved capital programme for individual project approvals agreed at the January Committee and within this report, as set out in appendix 2.


6.             To note that a provision of £4m has been set aside to manage programme risks as set out in paragraph 2.8.


7.             The Committee endorses and approves the approach for the £18.75m DLUHC in-year capital funding as set out in the supplementary report;


8.             That the additional DfT Pothole Funding for 2023/24 be passported to the relevant West of England Unitary Authorities in line with proportions agreed for the Highways Maintenance Capital Grant as set out in the supplementary report.


[recommendations 7 & 8 had been set out in the addendum].

Supporting documents: