Agenda item

Audit Action Plan: Feedback from Audit and Overview & Scrutiny Committees and Progress Report

To consider the progress and next steps on the Combined Authority’s route to improvement following the external audit report from Grant Thornton and the emerging action plan in response discussed by the Combined Authority Committee in December 2022.


The West of England Combined Authority Committee RESOLVED to:


1.          Consider feedback from the Audit and Overview & Scrutiny Committees and approve the action plan as a living document that will continue to be refined as work continues.

2.          Note progress in delivering the emerging action plan.

3.          Agree in principle the broad areas as set out in paragraph 2.3 and presented by the Solace peer reviewer, and delegate to the Combined Authority Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chief Executives of the Unitary Authorities, to incorporate into the action plan as appropriate.


This report set out progress and next steps on the Combined Authority’s route

to improvement following the external audit report from Grant Thornton and the emerging action plan in response discussed by the Combined Authority

Committee in December 2022. The report:

• Set out the progress on phase 1 of the Solace peer challenge review of the

action plan including Terms of Reference and themes of the response. The

independent reviewer will attend the committee to present his phase 1


• set out feedback from the Audit Committee on the emerging action plan as set out in appendix 4.

• requested formal approval of the emerging action plan in the light of feedback, as set out in appendix 3.

• provided an update on progress against the emerging action plan since

December, as set out in table 1.


Jim Taylor, SOLACE, was in attendance for this item.  SOLACE’s independent review, dated February 2023, had been published on the Authority’s website alongside the agenda papers for this Committee.


Jim Taylor made the following points:


·       There were five themes that encompassed the report.  Firstly what was the purpose and role of the Authority.  He stated that there should be a facilitated discussion on this issue;

·       Secondly he mentioned strategy.  Following the establishment of a Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) the economy had moved on, and it was now appropriate to broaden out into a regional industrial and economic plan which would give a codified message;

·       The third theme was around partners.  There was an opportunity now to explore how to work better together;

·       Fourthly was around process and exploring some key opportunities, some suggestions were in the report;

·       Lastly was around the constitution it was appropriate to refine the constitution.


Councillor Geoff Gollop addressed the meeting and made the following points:


·       He welcomed the SOLACE report which had been circulated with the Committee papers and congratulated the thoroughness of the report;

·       He stated that there had been anger and frustration from backbench members who had felt that the Authority had played for time, he therefore urged actions to be taken as quickly as possible;

·       He endorsed the recommendations and asked for each member of the Committee to confirm that they will work within the five principles set out and work together to resolve differences before public meetings;

·       He suggested that SOLACE be asked to prioritise the necessary work and identify which actions can be taken ‘in house’ with delegations to the Interim Acting Chief Executive prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and while some of the constituent authorities were in election periods.


Metro Mayor Dan Norris stated that he appreciated that there had been some timing issues in relation to timetabling of meetings.


The recommendations were moved by Metro Mayor Dan Norris and seconded by Mayor Marvin Rees.


The following points were raised:


·       Councillor Savage thanked Cllr Gollop and the Audit Committee’s work in the area.  He stated that he was happy to endorse the principles contained in SOLACE’s report.  He asked when the updated management structure would be submitted to the Committee for comment.  The Interim Acting Chief Executive stated that some work had already been undertaken but no dates had yet been set, it was planned to bring some proposals on implementation dates to the Committee meeting in June 2023;

·       Councillor Savage also asked about forward plan work and asked when this would be available. The Interim Acting Chief Executive stated that some work had been done with the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Audit Committee.  Councillor Savage asked that a draft be circulated when ready;

·       Councillor Savage also requested information on the protocol.  The Interim Director of Law and Governance confirmed this had been published on the website;  Councillor Savage thanked the report author for his work on the Independent Review.  He stated that Members did need to come together to agree the shared objectives for the region.  He was proud of the work the region’s politicians undertook to reach a devolution deal although he stated that the region had been slow to revisit to agree a new shared vision for the West of England.  He thanked Jim Taylor for the work that had gone on in trying to smooth relationships within the region;

·       Councillor Samuel said that there were few surprises in the report and the praised the high standard of SOLACE’s work.  He stated that the Combined Authorities all had slightly different roles and powers and would need to be adapted as they grew.  He urged that the recommendations be properly implemented.  He reminded the meeting of the resources that were at stake with increasing finances leading to increasing organisational complexity.  He hoped that there would be a clearer idea of how to move forward by the time of the next Committee meeting in June 2023;

·       Mayor Marvin Rees stated that he was also happy to accept and endorse the principles contained therein.  He welcomed the timely intervention which gave space to explore the Authority’s purpose, role and direction in today’s context. In terms of recommendation (g) he stated that leadership was about whole range of partners coming together.  The nature of the leadership of political and business leaders was important when making case for funding to government.  Awareness of political and financial consequences could be severe if the recommendations were not implemented and asked that implementation dates were added to the recommendations;

·       Mayor Marvin Rees further stated that the functions of the Combined Authority affected people’s lives and this was an opportunity to bring in key partners such as health services, fire services, voluntary sector etc to see what their hopes were and what they could offer;

·       Richard Bonner addressed the meeting on this item and stated that the political landscape meant that devolution would be increased in the future.  This would lead to significant opportunities and responsibilities from greater powers and funding and asked that the Combined Authority prepare itself for these opportunities.  He also stated that a clear plan and clear strategy were necessary to attract business and investment into the region and encourage private sector funding;


[Voting arrangements: the decision required majority agreement of Committee members in attendance, or their substitutes (one vote representing each Authority) and including the West of England Combined Authority Mayor].


The West of England Combined Authority Committee RESOLVED to:


1.          Consider feedback from the Audit and Overview & Scrutiny Committees and approve the action plan as a living document that will continue to be refined as work continues.

2.          Note progress in delivering the emerging action plan.

3.          Agree in principle the broad areas as set out in paragraph 2.3 and presented by the Solace peer reviewer, and delegate to the Combined Authority Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chief Executives of the Unitary Authorities, to incorporate into the action plan as appropriate.

Supporting documents: