Agenda item


To consider Full Business Cases and funding allocations


The Metro Mayor introduced a report stating that there were two elements to consider.  Firstly the Committee were requested to consider a Hydrogen Sustainable Transport Economy Accelerator proposal from the University of Bath, to establish a new green hydrogen’ production, storage, and research facility which would help place the region at the cutting edge of the new hydrogen economy.


Secondly the Committee were asked to support the Arena Infrastructure package to deliver the transport connectivity needed to move people around sustainably.


The recommendations were moved by Metro Mayor Dan Norris and seconded by Cllr Toby Savage.


Cllr Savage stated that he had visited IAPS at Emersons Green with a local MP and welcomed the importance of this latest project which would create a unique green hydrogen production storage and research facility at the Bristol and Bath Science Park to assist with the power demands for the zero emissions targets and helping to boost the local economy.


Further to the comments received from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee it was confirmed that the Full Business Case for the HSTEA had not yet been agreed and that approval of the FBC formed part of the recommendations for the Committee to consider.  


Cllr Ball stated that he welcomed the HSTEA proposal and was keen that hydrogen buses usage increased to potentially reduce the need for fracking and other alternatives.


Cllr Savage spoke on the Arena Infrastructure Package and was pleased that progress was being made.  He asked that a consistent approach be given to assessment of schemes and the decision making thereon.  He stated that the Arena, when complete, would be the third largest arena in the UK so would have an important regional and national role.  He stated that it was now important to give consideration for how users of the site would be able to access the site sustainably and quickly to minimise disruption to the existing communities around the site.  The Business Case sought to access investment funding for cycling and walking, traffic management, etc. together with MetroWest Phase 2 and MetroBus schemes.


Mayor Rees stated that he welcomed the Arena Package proposals.  He felt that this was the right decision for the area, both financially and in terms of sustainability, as the Arena would now be one of the most sustainable in the world due to the repurposing of an existing building.  He stated that it would be a regional, national and international asset so the transport links were essential.


[Voting arrangements: Decision required the majority agreement of Committee Members in attendance, or their substitutes (one vote representing each Authority) and including the West of England Combined Authority Mayor].


It was unanimously




(1)   That the Full Business Case for the HSTEA be agreed and to award total funding of £2.5m, consisting of the Green Recovery Fund (£0.9m), Future Transport Zone (£1.2m) and Innovation for Renewal and Opportunity Influence Fund (£0.4m) with the delegation for agreeing the final cost profile and revised outputs to the Combined Authority Chief Executive in consultation with the Chief Executives of the constituent Councils 


(2)   That following the approval of the Outline Business Case for the Arena Infrastructure Package (known previously as the North Fringe Infrastructure Package) at the July 2022 Combined Authority Committee, it was agreed that an allocation of £6.637m be made from Investment Fund, subject to Full Business Case submission by March 2023;


The meeting commenced at 1pm and closed at 1:55pm.




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