Agenda and minutes

Venue: City Hall, Bristol City Council

Contact: Ian Hird 

Link: Webcast video is available

No. Item


Evacuation Procedure

In the event of a fire, please await direction from staff who will assist with the evacuation.   Please do not return to the building until instructed to do so by the fire warden(s).


The Chair thanked Bristol City Council for hosting the meeting, welcomed attendees to the meeting and introduced his colleagues:

  • Councillor Craig Cheney, attending on behalf of Mayor Marvin Rees, Bristol City Council
  • Councillor Paul Myers, attending on behalf of Cllr Tim Warren, Leader, Bath and North East Somerset Council.
  • Councillor Toby Savage, Leader, South Gloucestershire Council.
  • Councillor Nigel Ashton, Leader, North Somerset Council.


The evacuation procedure for the venue was then announced by the Chair.


The Chair then informed everybody present that the meeting was being recorded and that the recording would be available to view after the meeting on the Combined Authority website. Any individuals present who did not wish to be filmed were asked to indicate this.



Apologies for Absence


It was noted that apologies had been received from Mayor Marvin Rees, Cllr Tim Warren, Professor Steve West, the Chair of the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), and Cllr Stephen Clarke, Chair of the Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

Members who consider that they have an interest to declare are asked to: a) State the item number in which they have an interest, b) The nature of the interest, c) Whether the interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest, non-disclosable pecuniary interest or non-pecuniary interest. Any Member who is unsure about the above should seek advice from the Monitoring Officer prior to the meeting in order to expedite matters at the meeting itself.


No declarations of interest were declared.



Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 126 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Joint Committee held on 18 January 2019 as a correct record.



The Joint Committee RESOLVED:


That the minutes of the meeting of the Joint Committee held on 18 January 2019 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Chair's Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chair of the Joint Committee.


The Chair shared the following news about the Combined Authority’s recent activities:


·         The Housing Minister, Kit Malthouse MP had recently visited the region and had been taken to see sites where homes were being built or planned, including Bath Riverside, the Bristol Temple Meads to Keynsham corridor (part of the region’s bid into the Government’s Housing Infrastructure Fund), Harry Stoke and Elderberry Walk.  Following that, a very useful round table discussion had provided an opportunity to talk to him further about the region’s growing reputation for innovative, inclusive, green and sustainable housing developments. This had involved all four West of England councils.


  • He was also pleased to reflect on the significant amount of work completed and investments during 2018, right across the West of England, through the Local Growth Fund totalling some £45 million. It had been a great year for improvements happening right across the region, with many important projects being completed to support the West of England’s growth – from helping people get around to giving businesses a boost. The West of England Combined Authority and the LEP had already allocated millions of pounds through the Local Growth Fund and looked forward to offering even more support in the coming year
  • It had also been very welcome to see the demolition works getting underway at the former Royal Mail sorting office as part of the wider investment into the Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone. Funding for this work had been provided by the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership through the Local Growth Fund, which was administered by the Combined Authority.


  • Finally, he highlighted that the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership was diversifying its board to help shape the economic future of the West of England, and was currently welcoming more applications from women business leaders, due to under-representation on the current board.The LEP was seeking expressions of interest from business leaders who were inspirational, influential and had the credibility to champion the West of England at regional, national and international level as new members of the LEP board.



Comments from the Chair of the Local Enterprise Partnership Board pdf icon PDF 289 KB

To receive any comments from the Chair of the Local Enterprise Partnership Board.


It was noted that the Chair of the Local Enterprise Partnership Board, Professor Steve West had given his apologies for the meeting.  He had though submitted comments in relation to agenda item 13 – West of England Energy Strategy.  These comments had been circulated and were available to view on the Combined Authority web site.



Comments from the Chair of the WECA Overview & Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To receive any comments from the Chair of the WECA Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


It was noted that the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Stephen Clarke had given his apologies for the meeting.  He had though submitted comments in relation to agenda item 13 – West of England Energy Strategy.  These comments had been circulated and were available to view on the Combined Authority web site.



Items from the Public (Petitions; Statements; Questions) pdf icon PDF 1 MB

If you wish to present a petition or make a statement at this meeting, you are required to

submit this by 12 noon on the working day before the meeting by e-mail to

For this meeting, this means that your petition/statement must be received in this office

by 12 noon on Thursday 31 January 2019.


If you wish to ask a question at the meeting, you are required to submit the question in

writing to by no later than 3 working

days before the meeting. For this meeting, this means that your question(s) must be

received in this office by the end of Monday 28 January 2019.


In presenting any statements at the meeting, members of the public are generally

permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each. The total time available for this session is

30 minutes so at the discretion of the Chair, speaking time may sometimes be reduced

depending on how many public items are received. Please note that all public items will

be circulated in advance of the meeting to the committee members.


23 questions had been submitted in advance of this meeting, as follows:


  1. Joanna Wood – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  2. Sam Morris – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  3. Callie Gauntlett – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  4. Vickie Morris – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  5. Richard Parker – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  6. Marie Banks – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  7. Nick Banks – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  8. Lucy Hellier – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  9. Paul Cooke – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  10. Jen Witts – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  11. David Angel – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  12. Elizabeth Greenland – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  13. Michael Kain – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  14. Alexandra Reuer – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  15. Daniel Nettelfield – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  16. Judy Drinkwater – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  17. Stephen Drinkwater – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  18. Rachel Butler – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  19. Cllr Clive Stevens, Bristol City Council – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  20. Cllr Martin Fodor, Bristol City Council – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  21. David Tudgey – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  22. Tom Owens – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  23. Gaby Solly – subject: West of England Energy Strategy 


14 statements had been received in advance of the meeting, as follows:


  1. David Redgewell – subject: Public funding for bus services
  2. David Redgewell – subject: Light rail / bus issues
  3. Joanna Wood – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  4. Jen Witts – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  5. Sam Morris – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  6. Nick Hudson – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  7. Cllr Clive Stevens, Bristol City Council – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  8. Daniel Nettelfield – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  9. Cllr Martin Fodor, Bristol City Council – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  10. David Angel – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  11. Huw Johnson – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  12. Andy O’Brien – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  13. Robin Boardman-Pattison – subject: West of England Energy Strategy
  14. Dave Tudgey – subject: West of England Energy Strategy


At the invitation of the Chair, and in accordance with the constitution, those in attendance were given the opportunity to present their statements.  It was noted that the full text of the statements, and questions/replies had been circulated to committee members in advance of the meeting and would be available to view on the Combined Authority’s website following the meeting.



Petitions from any member of the Joint Committee

Any member of the Joint Committee may present a petition at a Joint Committee meeting.


No petitions had been notified for this meeting.



Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and Invest in Bristol and Bath (IBB) budget outturn April - December 2018 pdf icon PDF 322 KB

This report presents the forecast revenue outturn budget monitoring information for the Joint Committee for the financial year 2018/19 based on actual data for the period April 2018 to December 2018.  The report covers the LEP and IBB revenue budgets.


The Joint Committee considered a report (agenda item 10) which presented the forecast revenue outturn budget monitoring information, covering the LEP and IBB revenue budgets for the period April-December 2018.


The Chair highlighted the following points:


·         The Combined Authority acted as the accountable body for a range of funding streams on behalf of the West of England Councils and the LEP. The Combined Authority financial regulations required that it regularly reported on the financial monitoring position of these funds.

·         Appendix 1 outlined the LEP budget current forecast revenue position for the 2018/19 financial year based on actual information to the end of December 2018. This showed the current projection was an underspend of £359k. 

·         Appendix 2 detailed IBB’s current forecast revenue position for the 2018/19 financial year, also based on information to the end of December 2018. This showed the current forecast was for spend to breakeven with budget.


The report recommendations were then moved by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Myers.


The Chair then moved to the voting on the recommendations (which was carried out in line with the constitution).


The Joint Committee RESOLVED:


1. That the LEP budget as set out in Appendix 1 be noted.


2. To agree to fund £28k from LEP Reserves for the Global Mayors Summit.


3. That the forecast accumulated LEP balances held on behalf of the Unitary Authorities as reserves be noted.


4. That the IBB Budget as set out in Appendix 2 be noted.



Revenue budget setting report 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 255 KB

This report asks the Joint Committee to consider and approve the budget in respect of the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and Invest in Bristol and Bath (IBB) for 2019/20.


(Note: This agenda item (11) was brought forward and considered immediately after agenda item 7.  This was to enable Cllr Savage to be in attendance as, in line with the constitution, recommendation 2 of that item required a unanimous decision of the relevant constituent councils, including South Gloucestershire.)


The Joint Committee considered a report (agenda item 11) which sought approval in respect of the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and Invest in Bristol and Bath (IBB) budgets for 2019/20.


The report recommendations were then moved by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Savage.


Cllr Savage thanked the Chair and the committee for agreeing to take this item earlier than scheduled on the agenda, to enable him to vote on recommendation 2 in line with constitutional requirements.


The Chair then moved to the voting on the recommendations (which was carried out in line with the constitution).


The Joint Committee RESOLVED:


1.That the LEP Budget for 2019/20 as set out in Appendix 1 be approved.


2.That the contribution required from B&NES, Bristol and South Gloucestershire Councils to support the LEP Budget be set at £110k each for 2019/20.


3. That the IBB Budget for 2019/20 as set out in Appendix 2 be approved.



LEP One Front Door funding programme pdf icon PDF 549 KB

This report asks the Joint Committee to consider business cases for schemes seeking approval for funding through the Local Growth and Economic Development Funds.


The Joint Committee considered a report (agenda item 12) on business cases for schemes seeking approval for funding through the Local Growth Fund (LGF) and the Economic Development Fund (EDF).


The Chair highlighted the following points:

·         The report summarised the position on the current LGF spend profile.

·         It presented the following Full Business Cases for schemes seeking funding approval:

-       Bath College Catering and Hospitality Education and Training Hub.

-       Bath Quays North initial development works.

·         The report also recommended LGF programme entry for 3 other schemes:

-       Weston College Animal Management Centre

-       SGS College STEAM Centre (cyber security and A-Levels)

-       Bath College Digital and Creative Innovation Centre.


The report recommendations were then moved by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Ashton.


The Chair then moved to the voting on the recommendations (which was carried out in line with the constitution).


The Joint Committee RESOLVED:


1. To delegate approval of the revised West of England Assurance Framework to the WECA Chief Executive in consultation with the West of England local authority Chief Executives.


2. To approve the Full Business Case for the Bath College Catering & Hospitality Education and Training Hub with funding through the LGF subject to RIBA stage 3 and the submission of an updated cost plan, and the supply of a red book valuation for that part of the building to be used for the project and a letter from the bank or accountant re: affordability and cash flow.


3. To award LGF programme entry to the Weston College Animal Management Centre and request a second stage application for consideration at the Joint Committee in May 2019.


4. To award LGF programme entry to the SGS STEAM Centre and Bath College Digital and Creative Innovation Centre.


5. To approve the Full Business Case for Bath Quays Initial Development Works, the drawdown of the EDF funding to be confirmed by the Business Rates Pooling Board.


6. To approve the change requests for the LGF schemes set out in Appendix 2.


7. To approve the change requests for the EDF and RIF schemes set out in Appendix 3.



West of England Energy Strategy pdf icon PDF 5 MB

This report presents the proposed basis of the West of England Energy Strategy for approval.


The Joint Committee considered a report (agenda item 13) seeking approval of the basis of a West of England Energy Strategy.


The Joint Committee noted the public items submitted in connection with this report, and comments from the Chair of the Local Enterprise Partnership and from the Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


The Chair highlighted the following points, setting out the context in which this report had been brought forward for the Joint Committee’s consideration:


  • The report essentially set out the basis for the LEP’s West of England Energy Strategy.
  • It was a high-level framework that would help to shape activity, and guide investment priorities.
  • It offered flexibility, allowing councils and other stakeholders to deliver at a scale and pace that fitted with their commitments.
  • It also provided a basis from which to bid to Government, and other funders, for investment.
  • It had been developed in partnership with officers and Chief Executive Officers from across the Unitary Authorities, as well as other key stakeholders.
  • More detailed action planning would begin once agreement was reached on the basis for a LEP West of England Strategy.


The report recommendation was then moved by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Ashton.


Cllr Myers stated that it was important to recognise the scale of public feeling on these issues, drawing attention, for example, to the 8000+ public responses received by Bath and North East Somerset Council in response to consultation on a clean air zone for Bath.  The energy strategy and the detailed action plan that would be developed would be key tools in helping to lobby government for financial support; in this context, it would be important to be as ambitious as possible, recognising resource availability in each authority and the need to work together.


Cllr Ashton recognised that this framework document and subsequent action planning would help enable all the councils to develop timelines for delivering key actions.  It would be important to lobby government for additional resources; it was important also to be practical and realistic in taking actions forward, recognising the overall resource situation of the respective local authorities.


Cllr Cheney pointed out that a great deal of related action planning and work was already underway in Bristol and welcomed the fact that this strategy framework did not seek to limit individual authority ambitions, recognising that councils would deliver actions at a scale and pace in line with their individual commitments.


The Chair then moved to the voting on the recommendation (which was carried out in line with the constitution).


The Joint Committee RESOLVED:


- That approval be given to the proposed basis of the West of England Energy Strategy.




Quarterly progress report on WECA Business Plan 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 292 KB

This report presents an update on the delivery of the 2018/19 WECA Business Plan.


The Joint Committee considered an information report (agenda item 14) presenting an update on the delivery of the 2018/19 Combined Authority Business Plan.


The Chair highlighted the following points:


·         The Business Plan supported the delivery of the Operating Framework as agreed by the Combined Authority Committee and Joint Committee on 18 April 2018.

·         The Business Plan set out the key deliverables for 2018/19 in relation to skills, business support and infrastructure, as well as enabling corporate activities.

·         Regular reporting on progress in delivering the Business Plan formed a key element of the Combined Authority’s overall performance management and reporting framework.

·         The report also provided a summary of key achievements and set out details of any significant exceptions to delivery, together with information about mitigating activities.


The Joint Committee RESOLVED:


- That the update on delivery of the 2018/19 Business Plan be noted.


WECA Business Plan 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

This report presents the 2019/20 WECA Business Plan for approval.


The Joint Committee considered a report (agenda item 15) seeking approval of the Combined Authority’s Business Plan for 2019/20.


The Chair highlighted the following points:


·         The Business Plan continued to support delivery of the Combined Authority’s Operating Framework and set out key deliverables for skills, business support and infrastructure, as well as enabling corporate activities.

·         It was recognised that the 2019/20 Business Plan would need to be informed by the Local Industrial Strategy.  The target date for the completion of the Local Industrial Strategy was Summer 2019; the Business Plan would be reviewed and updated as appropriate on completion of the strategy.

·         Important work was progressing on an equality and diversity framework.

·         As part of the overall performance management and reporting framework, quarterly progress updates on the Business Plan will continue to be brought to this committee and to the Combined Authority Committee.


The report recommendation was then moved by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Ashton.


The Chair then moved to the voting on the recommendation (which was carried out in line with the constitution).


The Joint Committee RESOLVED:


- That the Business Plan for 2019/20 be approved.



Information item - decisions taken at this meeting pdf icon PDF 208 KB

Details of the decisions taken at this meeting and the draft minutes of this meeting will

be published on the West of England Combined Authority website as soon as possible

after the meeting.


In closing the meeting, the Chair advised that details of the decisions taken at this meeting and the draft minutes of the meeting would be published as soon as possible on the Combined Authority website.



The meeting finished at 4.10 pm